Louise & Willard

50 years

Louise & Willy met 51 years ago on a blind date. Bill’s friend Terry Judd was dating one of Louise‘s co-workers, Donna Peliter Judd. She was telling Louise about her boyfriend and all his single friends. Louise jokingly told Donna to “fix me up.” About thirty minutes later Donna reported that things were all set up for Friday night – a guy that Terry called “Willy” would pick Louise up at her apartment in East Lansing and the four of them were going to see the movie The Volante Papers. The night went well.

They dated for almost a year, when on the way back to Lansing from the Heinze farm after Thanksgiving dinner, Bill asked the question, “Do you think we should get married?” Of course Louise said yes and they started to make wedding plans on the drive back to Lansing.

One month and three days later, they were married at St Cyrils Catholic Church in Bannister, Michigan. They had a small family ceremony and a dinner at the Heinze home. The following day, they had a dinner and reception in Lansing.

And as they say, “the rest is their 50 year history.